About Us

Queen’s Dance Club (QDC) is the largest student-run recreational club in Canada open to dancers of all backgrounds and abilities. QDC provides over 600 students each year with the opportunity to take dance classes throughout their time at Queen’s University. We offer 28 dance classes in a variety of styles and levels, so there is a class for everyone! Our classes run every day of the week throughout the entire school year (with the exception of public and school holidays). Getting involved in Queen’s Dance Club is a great way for students to escape from the stresses of University life and meet others with a similar passion for dance.

Classes & Fees

Members of our club have the opportunity to enroll in classes of any style of dance they choose. Our classes range from Beginner to Advanced, to accommodate dancers of all levels. Dancers are encouraged to register for as many dance classes as they like!

Most QDC classes are choreography-based, which means that dancers will be performing in our Mid-Year and End-of-Year Recitals taking place at the end of Fall and Winter terms. QDC also offers technique classes that help dancers build and maintain a strong foundation in jazz and ballet. These three classes do not perform in the recitals, as they are more focused on the dancers' personal growth.

QDC classes are one hour and fifteen minutes in length. Classes cost $55 each, which is a one-time non-refundable fee covering each of the weekly sessions of their registered class leading up to the recital. In the Winter, this fee also covers costumes for the End-of-Year Showcase.


At the end of Fall and Winter academic terms, club members, staff and the QDC executive team join together to put on a final performance to showcase their talents; these are our Mid-Year and End-of-Year Recitals. All Queen’s students, family members, and friends are welcome to attend our recitals and may refer to our Club Announcements and social media pages for more information regarding in-person and livestream ticket sales.

Beyond the Studio

There are more ways to get involved in Queen’s Dance Club aside from taking dance classes each week. QDC fulfils their promise to provide a welcoming and supportive environment by hosting various free and low-cost social events. Some of our annual events include the Welcome BBQ, Movie Nights, and Semi Formal, among many others!

All QDC dancers are also encouraged to volunteer with our Outreach team. This group helps to raise money for charity, and spreads the love of dance throughout the local Kingston community. To learn more about running dance workshops and classes with QDC's Gotta Dance! team, please visit our Outreach page.


To enroll in our dance classes, Queen's University students may complete registration online via the Queen's GetActive portal found on the Queen’s Athletics and Recreation Centre website. Each style of dance will be allotted a registration time-slot in September for the Fall semester and January for the Winter semester. Prior to registration, it is recommended that students participate in our ‘Trial Week’, where dancers can attend any of our classes - free of charge! This process allows students to understand which levels and styles of classes they prefer prior to registering.

Please continue to refer to our Club Announcements and social media pages for updated information regarding QDC's registration.

Check out our FAQs page or contact us if you have any more questions!