
A message from the QDC Family.

We cannot ignore the racial inequalities that are still prevalent in society today, specifically the tragedies that have been witnessed on the news recently. Change begins at home, so let’s begin by encouraging a conversation in the Queen’s community.

Queen’s Dance Club supports Black Lives Matter. In this time of injustice, it is critical that we educate ourselves, support one another, recognize privilege, and amplify the voices of Black people. We hope to be a catalyst for change by encouraging ongoing conversations in the Kingston and Queen’s communities.

The art of dance as we know it would not be the same without the immense contributions of the Black community. As Queens dancers who continue to benefit from the cultural contributions of Black artists and dancers, it is our responsibility to defend the humanity of our Black classmates and friends.

If you are looking for more ways to support this cause, you can find resource lists below, as well as links of places you can donate and petitions you can sign.

# Blacklivesmatter

If you need to contact us you can reach the Presidents at presidents@queensdanceclub.com, Human Resources at humanresources@queensdanceclub.com or Marketing and Communications at marketing@queensdanceclub.com.



Numbers to Text or Call

Places to Donate

Black Mental Health Resources

BIPOC Mental Health Resources

Queen’s Organizations

Bryn Harvey-Raymond